Canteen Menu
The canteen complies with the NSW Healthy Canteen Guidelines. It is supervised by a sub-committee of the P&C. It is open four days a week (Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Fri) and is operated by a paid manager and volunteer parent-helpers. We are fortunate to have a canteen manager who cooks food rather than relying on commercially pre-packaged food, and gives extra time, free of charge, to help with out-of-school activities. However, she could not manage the canteen without her volunteers. We greatly appreciate them.
The canteen offers an extensive menu all year round. The canteen aims to provide healthy food at a reasonable price so that it offers a service to parents and students and also contributes to P&C fundraising for school resources. The menus are updated regularly and copies are made available to all students. Rosters for volunteer parent helpers are printed in the Newsletter.
We now have online ordering. Go to to register and begin ordering.
* Lunch orders should be ordered online or written on a lunch bag and given to the canteen helpers by 8.55am. The student's name, class and the order should be written on the bag.
* Selected students collect and deliver lunches to the classrooms where the teacher distributes them at 1.25pm.
The canteen is open at recess and lunchtime for counter sales.
Updated canteen menus are sent home several times per year.
Chittaway Bay Public School Summer Menu 2023
Students with allergies
Great care is taken to ensure that the canteen caters for students with allergies. Gluten free items are included in the menu. To assist the canteen in recognising students with anaphylaxis, the canteen has RED forms that are to be stapled to paper bags. A student's allergy should be noted on all canteen orders. Please speak to staff at the front office for further information.