During Term 4 each year, Year 5 students (nominated by students in Year 5 or 6 or staff members) participate in a pre-election campaign. In order to become a candidate for the Student Parliament each student must have maintained a satisfactory standard in behaviour and attitude during the year. The principal, in consultation with the staff, retains the right of veto where a student is considered an unsuitable nominee.
Each nominee is required to address Year 5 as the first step in the selection process. Teachers will identify approximately 20 students through this process as suitable to progress to the next step. The students will then address an assembly of students from Years 2-5, outlining their ideas and plans as well as giving some personal background information.
Immediately following this address, elections are then held, by secret ballot. All staff members and all students in Years 2-5 are eligible to vote.
Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Ministers (School Captains and Vice Captains) are elected from the 12 successful candidates by secret ballot involving all staff members.
The induction ceremony is held early in Term 1 of the following year during a weekly assembly. At this ceremony each Minister takes a Pledge of Office, and receives a badge of office. Parents of the new school office bearers are invited to the induction ceremony and to morning/afternoon tea with their children and the Principal afterwards.