Chittaway Bay Public School

Growing and Learning

Telephone02 4388 2188

Parliamentary Sessions Script

Sergeant –at –Arms


Please stand for the commencement of Parliament.

(Lead Parliament in and place the mace on its stand).




I now declare this Parliamentary Session open.

Please say the Parliamentary Prayer after me.


We thank you, Lord, / for the beautiful things we find around us.

Help us learn / so that we can live happily in our home / our school /and our community.

We pray that you will grant those people / who govern our country / the wisdom to make the correct decisions / about the difficult problems which face our world / so that we can live in harmony and protect the environment. Amen.


Please be seated.


Prime Minister


Would the Secretary please read the Minutes from the previous meeting.

(Wait for Minutes to be read)


The Ministers will now present their weekly reports.



(Call on each Minister in turn)


Prime Minister


Is there any business arising from the Minutes or the Ministers' reports?

(Members raise matters and the PM responds or calls on the relevant Minister to respond).


We will add business raised by classroom representatives to our list of General Business. Is there any business from classroom representatives?



(Call on any class representative who stands to speak).


Secretary writes down the topics raised and the name of the speaker or class they represent.


Prime Minister


We will now move onto General Business.


Would the Honourable member for _________________ who spoke about_______________ at our previous Session , please explain.




The motion is that____________________________________________________.


Would anyone like to Second this motion?



Seconded by the Honourable Member for_________________



Prime Minister

Please stand if you would like to speak for this matter. (1,2,3)



(Select one person from those who have stood).

The Honourable Member for_________________


Prime Minister

Please stand if you would like to speak against this matter. (1,2,3)


Prime Minister


We will now vote.

You can only vote once.

The motion is that___________________________________


Those in favour say "Aye" (Wait)

Those against say "No" (Wait)

Hand up if you wish to abstain. (Wait. Sergeant –at-Arms counts)


I now declare the matter carried/defeated.

If it is too difficult to determine whether there are more people in favour or against the motion, The PM calls for a standing vote.


Prime Minister


We will now have a standing vote.

If you are in favour of the motion would you please stand.

(Wait. Speaker and Sergeant-at Arms count members standing. The Secretary records the number.)


Please be seated.

If you are against the motion would you please stand.

(Wait. Speaker and Sergeant-at Arms count members standing. The Secretary records the number.)


The votes were ____for and ______ against.

I now declare the matter carried/defeated.


Prime Minister


We will now have Brief General Business.

If you have a matter to list for the next Parliamentary Session, please stand.



(Call on each Member standing, in turn).


Members state their Business as a single word or brief title, with no other details. The Secretary lists each item.


Prime Minister


Would each Minister now state a task to be undertaken prior to the next Parliamentary Session.




Please stand for the National Anthem. (Minister fro the Media plays the National Anthem.)

This Session of Parliament is now closed. We will convene again next Friday at 10.00 a.m.