Prime Minister
Alternatively chair Parliamentary Sessions / act as Parliamentary Speaker
Conduct Voting when chairing the Parliamentary Session.
Represent our school on special occasions
Make speeches, e.g. thanking people, offering gifts, accepting presentations
Write thank you notes for services rendered to our school/grade
Help Assistant Principals co-ordinate weekly and special assemblies:
- Roster Ministers to assist the PM's with setting up Parliament and weekly assemblies.
- Check that Ministers have their class awards ready for weekly assemblies.
- Lead/MC Year 3-6 assemblies on a weekly basis.
- Attend the K-2 Assembly each week and announce birthdays.
Serve as Time Keeper
Indicate which Members may address the House
Appoint non-ministerial members of Parliament to the position of Sergeant at Arms on a roster basis
Maintain high levels of Parliamentary discipline:
- Each week the Speaker reminds Members that during Parliamentary Sessions, members who disrupt proceedings in any way will be given two warnings. If they offend a third time, the Sergeant at Arms will be asked to escort them from the House.
- They will not be permitted to attend the next Session of Parliament nor will they be allowed to perform any Parliamentary duties until they are re-instated.
- Any member of Parliament who is excluded from Parliament on a third occasion in the one term will not be permitted to rejoin Parliament or perform Parliamentary duties until the following term.
Maintain a record of discipline.
Check the Discipline Record before Parliament each week to ensure procedures are followed.
Conclude each Parliamentary Session with the National Anthem.
Keep all Parliamentary records in the Secretary's Book
Record the opening and closing time of each session.
Record minutes of each Parliamentary Session in the required format.
Record items for the next session's General Business (include the name of the proposer).
Present minutes of the previous meeting at each Parliamentary Session.
Help the PM chair each session by identifying agenda items from the General Business proposals made at the previous meeting.
Prepare a brief summary of the main items of discussion to be presented to each class (or weekly assembly) and included in the school newsletter
Form a committee and roster members to help present the Parliamentary Report to each class(or weekly assembly).
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter.
Form a committee and roster members to help you collect and count any money Parliament raises.
Combine with the Minister for Functions & Social Services for fund raising activities (at least one per term).
Keep records of Parliamentary money with the assistance of Mrs Arkins, the School Administration Manager.
Prepare and present a financial report at each Parliamentary Session
Collect any money raised, count it, record amount and then give it to the front office staff to bank.
Organise, through discussion in Parliament, ways to spend Parliamentary money
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter.
Sergeant of Arms
Direct the House to silence when Parliament is ready to begin.
Lead Ministers into the House
Escort from the House any members who are directed by the Speaker to leave for disciplinary reasons.
Minsiter for Communication
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- organise the microphone for daily assemblies and special events as required.
- distribute notes and weekly newsletters to classes
- judge and record points for best classroom display each week.
Announce the winners of the Classroom Display Awards at weekly assemblies.
Present the Classroom Display Award at each weekly assembly.
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter
Report to each Parliamentary Session
Minister for Education
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- raise and lower the flag each day.
- judge and record points for uniform each day.
- select the classes for the school uniform award each week.
Present the School Uniform Award at the weekly assemblies.
Act as student representative on the school Uniform Committee
Speak at the weekly Assemblies about
- any forthcoming events during the week,
- a particular school rule
- the focus for the week.
Collect ideas from fellow students on ways to improve life at school, e.g. excursions, visiting speakers, areas of interest.
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter
Report to each Parliamentary session.
Minister for Aboriginal Affairs
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- Distribute notes & make announcements at assemblies re Aboriginal education activities
- Liaise with the Aboriginal Education Contact Teacher
- Help teachers organise NAIDOC week Reconciliation, Harmony Day and ATSIC activities
Report to each Parliamentary session.
Minister for Functions and Social Services
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- Organise and hold fund-raising functions for the Year 6 gift to the school
- Organise and hold fund-raising activities for school charities.
- Organise publicity for fundraising
- Sell fund-raising materials e.g. Red Cross stickers
Collect ideas for fund raising
Meet with the Treasurer & PM's regarding functions for raising money for the school and school charities
Liaise with the Principal, staff and P&C to obtain approval and set dates for Parliamentary fund-raising functions
Liaise with staff regarding organisation of school dances, special days or functions
Help teachers co-ordinate Transition programs
Return labelled lost property to students
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter
Report to each Parliamentary session.
Minister for Health and Safety
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- check and assist with canteen lines at recess and lunch
- advertise new foods on sale at the canteen
- judge and record points for best daily assembly lines
- judge and record points for the weekly assembly
Add the weekly assembly points to the daily assembly points to determine the winner of the Assembly Award Certificate.
Announce the winners of Assembly Award Certificate at each weekly assembly
Present the Assembly Award Certificate at each weekly assembly.
Help the Assistant Principal/s to keep the Assembly Award Charts up to date.
Act as student representative on the Canteen Committee
Liaise with teachers about bus safety
Report to each Parliamentary Session
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter.
Minister for Sport
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- supervise the sport store-keep it tidy, check equipment, ensure gear is returned to the right place
- check sport store is locked every afternoon
- help organise various sporting competitions at lunch
- assist with distribution of sporting equipment for weekly sport, daily fitness, class P.E. and carnivals
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter
Report to each Parliamentary session.
Minister for the Environment
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- assist with grounds and gardens where possible
- organise Litter Police
- increase school awareness of special environmental days e.g. Wattle Day, Clean Up Australia Day, Earth Week
- advertise environmental concerns and Wyong Council activities
- educate others in environmental matters through posters, short speeches, competitions etc
- check bubblers and taps to avoid water waste
- help manage the school's recycling program
- judge & record points for Classroom Maintenance (including neat, safe bag storage and energy conservation)
Announce the winner of the Classroom Maintenance Award at weekly assemblies
Present the Classroom Maintenance Award at weekly assemblies
Roster classes for playground clean up at the end of recess and lunch.
Liaise with staff and the OH&S Committee about environmental concerns
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter
Report to each Parliamentary session.
Minister for Media and Public Relations
Form a committee and roster members to help you carry out your duties:
- ensure video and digital cameras are charged and ready for use
- help staff photograph/video school activities
- update the school's front notice board and the foyer display.
Liaise with the P&C Publicity Officer who will contact the media re upcoming events
Help the PM's (when you are rostered for duty) set up Parliament, weekly assemblies and assemblies for special occasions e.g. visiting performances, ANZAC Day, Easter
Report to each Parliamentary session.